Bug in Featured Content Template?

3.2 Forum ONLY: If you've run into a problem, such as an error message, blank page, or similar problem, this is where to look. Post any installation or other problems or questions here, and I and other users will try to help.
12 Nov '09 Thu Nov 12, 2009 15:52    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Post Bug in Featured Content Template?


I'm just about to download the latest version of PN (3.2.1) to have a play with the new Featured Content Slider (I likee!). However, I notice on your site here that IE8 has an error whenever you display the page (like this one). The errors are

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SV1; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; OfficeLivePatch.1.3)
Timestamp: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 07:51:01 UTC

Message: Object required
Line: 304
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://www.layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

Message: 'contentdivs[...].style' is null or not an object
Line: 243
Char: 4
Code: 0
URI: http://www.layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

Message: 'contentdivs[...].style' is null or not an object
Line: 252
Char: 4
Code: 0
URI: http://www.layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

Only the first two images will display...

rosbif's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)


12 Nov '09 Thu Nov 12, 2009 20:33    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

Oh no!

Per DynamicDrive's site it looks as if I have to disable persistence. That means that if user wanders off to another browser page and then comes back, the slider will resort to starting over with 1st slide, whereas before it would remember where it last got to.

Would be a shame to have to disable this for all browsers just 'cos IE still doesn't seem to pass stuff to its javascript correctly.... Ah well.

I've turned off persistence on my site here only. Can you test please, and if it works I'll publish the fix. Please test using more than 1 tab/window in IE8 and some jumping about. Perhaps even between the 2 pages on this site with FCS. (May need to reload your browser if it is still the same session as when you reported the problem.)

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

12 Nov '09 Thu Nov 12, 2009 22:18    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

No difference. Interestingly enough on this page: layingback.net/Pro_News.html I get this error

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SV1; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; OfficeLivePatch.1.3)
Timestamp: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 14:16:36 UTC

Message: Object required
Line: 304
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

and I'm not sure which template you are using for that page. The featured content pages are the same - the same error as above but not the ' 'contentdivs[...].style' is null or not an object' error

rosbif's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)


12 Nov '09 Thu Nov 12, 2009 22:54    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

OK, thanks. So we have 2 problems.

Tackling the contentdivs one: Can you test again please? I've added the other possible issue reported by DynamicDrive. Hopefully this one will work. (If it does it is because I have 2 FCS's on the site, one with more images in it than the other, so when you transfer back from the longer one and are off the end of the shorter one, it objects.)

The Object required one seems to not be IE8 specific, and is not fatal on other browsers, and presumably won't be even on IE8 - but we can't tell that yet, until we can get IE8 to work. Either way it is in my code, not DD's.


layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

12 Nov '09 Thu Nov 12, 2009 23:11    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

Contentdivs error doesn't appear now. Now it's just the object required one, although there are other errors (shown here) when mousing over. The arrows don't work either...

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SV1; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; OfficeLivePatch.1.3)
Timestamp: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 15:09:27 UTC

Message: Object required
Line: 306
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

Message: Member not found.

Line: 321
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

Message: Member not found.

Line: 334
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

Message: Member not found.

Line: 334
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

rosbif's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)


12 Nov '09 Thu Nov 12, 2009 23:49    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

- rosbif

Contentdivs error doesn't appear now.

Excellent! I'll want to run 1 more test later please (to see if I can put persistence back on). But first lets cover these other problems.

- rosbif

Now it's just the object required one.

Not worried about this one unless it limits functionality some in some way. It's very common code, and it is reported as an error by other browsers. But it is a potential error in that the code could loop, if what was never defined, but it is during actual use, so ok.

- rosbif

The arrows don't work either...

Oh. Which not work - hover or click? If you rollover arrows and there is room for the images to slide, they should slide. I.e at least 1 of them should slide - if you look carefully you can see if they are "active'. But if you click on them, then the main slide should change, and the current slide indicator should move (although you need to click enough times to get it into the visible part). This is just IE8, right?

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

13 Nov '09 Fri Nov 13, 2009 02:12    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

All in IE8.

At no point does any picture other than the first two display in the page. If I hover or click over the right arrow the current slide indicator moves along to the next image but the main image only changes for images 1 and 2. The others leave it blank, and I get this message

Webpage error details

Message: Member not found.

Line: 334
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

At no point do the images scroll more than a couple of pixels. If I hover/click the left arrow the message is

Webpage error details

Message: Member not found.

Line: 321
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

rosbif's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)


15 Nov '09 Sun Nov 15, 2009 01:10    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

OK, I've found the cause of the Object required error, and fixed.

No luck so far on the Member not found ...

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

15 Nov '09 Sun Nov 15, 2009 19:06    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

I know, stop using IE8!

rosbif's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)


19 Nov '09 Thu Nov 19, 2009 23:56    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

Status update: With assistance from DynamicDrive Forums, we now have all the javascript console errors removed.

Unfortunately it still does display properly in IE6 and IE8. But IE7 is now working correctly, in addition to Firefox and Opera.

Feel free to test and/or help out.

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

20 Nov '09 Fri Nov 20, 2009 19:53    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

OK, I have FCS working in IE6 as well now.

Just leaves IE8...

@rosbif, Can you check that it's still broken in IE8 please? TIA!

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

21 Nov '09 Sat Nov 21, 2009 01:50    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

I believe it is now working in FF3, IE6, IE7 IE8 (both modes), Opera10! And I expect it to work in other browsers too.

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

21 Nov '09 Sat Nov 21, 2009 02:42    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

On loading this page - layingback.net/Pro_News/cid=20.html (so not even the article, just the headlines) I get this error:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SV1; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; OfficeLivePatch.1.3)
Timestamp: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 18:32:10 UTC

Message: 'document.getElementById(...)' is null or not an object
Line: 120
Char: 2
Code: 0
URI: http://layingback.net/modules/Pro_News/includes/scripts.js

I guess that is a different problem though. Other than that it works perfectly! Pop ups are great, the image moves automatically and with the arrows. My only suggestion would be that I would expect to click on the right arrow to see more of the pictures, but because the right arrow moves the strip right it does the opposite. So you have to click the left arrow to see more pictures. If you try it you'll understand what I mean! I would swap the arrows around.

The printer friendly page is good, although there is a red cross at the top of the page and a dozen or so red crosses at the bottom. These don't appear in FF of course. On another note you have spelt the name of the article wrong! Wink

Cracking work LB, I shall install now. I presume from I just need to upload those changed files still or will something else have changed?

rosbif's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)


21 Nov '09 Sat Nov 21, 2009 03:29    
Site Admin  

Post Re: Bug in Featured Content Template?

No, there are other changes. I've just been throwing them up here as I - and DynamicDrive - have been finding them.

I'll sort out a after the weekend, or so.

But I have my client site working right tho' - deadline was tonite!!! Smile

Thanks for your help!

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

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