- Iscariah
- Sponsor
Hi layingback,
Is it possible to get an under title to this superb modul?
Like this:

Iscariah please enter your server specs in your user profile!

- hadi00
- Translator
Re: Undertitle?
- layingback
- Site Admin
Re: Undertitle?
Sure, but why not attempt it yourself? Then you can get the update (much) sooner. I've spent way too much time recently doing Pro_News 2.0, and then 2.1, on top of each other - to keep up with Nano's release of 9.2
If you keep track of the changes (or just attach the changed files to a post here, and I'll diff them) then I'll commit to including in next release, so you don't have to worry about updating future versions.
This would be a good project to learn on. (For yourself or anyone else reading this.)
If you've not got yourself a decent editor, get at least Notepad (assuming you're on Windows), or I would recommend Notepad++ and also get its Function List plugin, as this will show you where each function starts. Notepad++ also lets you open all the files that you need in 1 re-usable session, with tabs for each, much faster.
Essentially you are going to be looking for everything to do with title, and duplicate - or add - stuff for title2. That simple, but it'll be in lots of places.
Look in functions.php (for user side) and admin_functions.php (for admin side) for each reference to or including 'title' (watching out for a few irrelevant references to Section, Category, etc. titles ) and either add an identical line underneath with 'title2' in it, or in case of SQL calls and associated large arrays being set up (typically called list, edit or row) add a new entry immediately after and mimicking title but calling on title2. In both programs and in the templates look for names containing _TITLE and add equivalent entries for _TITLE2. Then you only have to add the field (to the end of) pronews_articles and test. Oh, and you'll need a new entry in the language file for the actual field name - I would suggest SubTitle rather than UnderTitle as the latter may give problems to translators using a dictionary.
Let me know how it goes, or if you need more guidance.
layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)
2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4
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