Size of layout

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8 Aug '08 Fri Aug 08, 2008 23:29    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Poster Size of layout

Again, I like to start out by saying how happy I am with ProNews! Souris

I am curious if there is a way to limit the size of the template. I realize I can set "Articles Per Headline" - and I have it as 4, the default. However, right now on my testing site I only have one article, but it still shows the full area.

I would assume a "If (articles<4)" would do the trick, but I am still a newbie php/template person and haven't got a clue where to begin to search. I realize it's not really "important" as I plan to have more articles - but I ran across this in my testing and thought it could use "improvement" Souris

One other question, I see I can set "Truncate 1st Headline at", but it doesn't seem to effect posted articles?? Would it be possible to set that on a per article basis? For example, I have one article I'd like to show the whole "intro" to, regardless of its size.

Any ideas??


Scott please enter your server specs in your user profile! Pleurant ou Très Malheureux  
9 Aug '08 Sat Aug 09, 2008 05:49    
Site Admin  

Poster Re: Size of layout

The code for the headlines doesn't deal with the case of num arts < 4. I understand where you are coming from, but when writing code I just assumed people would have > 4 before they worried about headline displays Clin d'oeil

Per article settings goes against what I was trying to achieve with Pro_News. I wanted more features than News, but performance equal to or better. (Didn't want a situation like ForumsPro which has more features, but is too slow for very busy sites.) The number of db accesses would be too many if I had per article settings.

Truncate should be working. Is the article intro long enough to be truncated? But it does only affect headlines. There is code in there - currently not used - which applies to normal (ie. non-headline) posts, which enforces a max intro length (so if someone posts it all in Story section it still gets broken into intro and story), but I've never enabled that part - seemed too rigid/draconian.

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

11 Aug '08 Mon Aug 11, 2008 23:33    
BetaTester  BetaTester

Poster Re: Size of layout

- layingback

I just assumed people would have > 4 before they worried about headline displays Clin d'oeil

You know what they say about assuming Clin d'oeil

- layingback

Per article settings goes against what I was trying to achieve with Pro_News.


- layingback

Truncate should be working.

I set the number higher, but doesn't seem to change where it truncates. For that matter, I just set it really low (100) and didn't change the posted article.

I have a particular article that I wanted all of intro to show on the home page.
(it's the tour dates of the band my site is about (The Who)).

I'll play with it some more, maybe I'm missing something? I'll try posting a new article with now that the number is set high (1000) and see if it changes.

Scott please enter your server specs in your user profile! Pleurant ou Très Malheureux  
5 Nov '08 Wed Nov 05, 2008 05:46    
Site Admin  

Poster Re: Size of layout

Stumbled over the cause of the 1st article in Headlines display truncating at 450 chars not the value set in Config just by chance today. Fix will be in next (beta 2) release of 2.3.

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

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