Pro_News and Social Networking - e.g. Digg, Facebook, etc.
- layingback
- Site Admin
Pro_News and Social Networking - e.g. Digg, Facebook, etc.
Starting with version Pro_News has a hook included with the Full Article display to enable the optional use of Digg It! and similar posts.
I have drawn up a sample piece of HTML which I think will allow linking into many of these sites. However, as I don't use them, I've not tested them, and I have no intention of supporting them. But if anyone wants to include this code in one of the templates, and give it a whirl, I'd be interested in seeing and hearing of the results.
Take the HTML code in the attached text file, and insert it in an article template under the newsarticle section, just after the last 'ENDIF', and before the 'END newsarticle' line. As an example, for indexabl.html this would be at 285 line for this release:
<!-- ENDIF --> { insert goes here } <!-- END newsarticle -->
This sample code includes blinklist, delicious, digg, facebook, furl, google, magnolia, reddit, simpy, spurl, stumble, technorati, yahoomyweb and wink. I doubt anyone wants that many, but it's a little easier to delete unwanted ones, than add new ones! It should also not be hard to add additional ones, as they mostly fall into 1 of about 3 styles of call. To add new icons, place 16 x 16px images in the same folders as the others (included in the release) - and please consider posting the how-to back here for others.
Enjoy! I hope it works!
layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)
2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4
- hadi00
- Translator
Re: Pro_News and Social Networking - e.g. Digg, Facebook, et
- layingback
- Site Admin
Re: Pro_News and Social Networking - e.g. Digg, Facebook, et
An update: addition of Slashdot and newsvine, along with their icons.
No feedback yet... Anyone used or tested thesed these yet? Please advise.
layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)
2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4
- layingback
- Site Admin
Re: Pro_News and Social Networking - e.g. Digg, Facebook, et
hadi00, (or anyone else),
Did you ever get to install the social networking samples? How did they work out?
layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)
2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4
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