Long Home Pages
- chris5000
- BetaTester
Long Home Pages
I see nothing wrong with having say 10, 20, or even 30 complete articles (with images) showing up on the Home page. There are an abundance of Russian sites that do that all the time (www.yaplakal.com is my favorite example). I do want these to be in the center block and not BE the Home page, however. Just a great big long center block of Pro News. Take a peek at yaplakal to see what I mean!
I have a big question! Let's say you're uploading an image with a news submission. Can you add multiple images to the post, and if so, how many of them show up on the Home page? On sites like Yaplakal, only the FIRST image gets posted to Home. All subsequent images are in the main post. But here again they are using IPB and not news. This would make a difference on whether it can easily be used on a site like mine. The reason is, many times I will post 15 pictures of sunsets in the forums. If I were posting 15 pictures on a news article, would all 15 show up as thumbs on the Home page?
chris5000 please enter your server specs in your user profile!

- layingback
- Site Admin
Re: Long Home Pages
Alas, as it stands, Pro_News (my version and Kuragari's earlier one) only support 1 image per article.
It would not be difficult to support more, but doing it efficiently in terms of db access might require some structural changes.
As to number of articles per page, I've put no limit on it. I've added pagination only so that those who did not want long pages had a way to do this (Kuragari's Beta would only display 1 page worth...).
layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)
2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4
- chris5000
- BetaTester
Re: Long Home Pages
Hi layingback...
I can live with 1 image per article, since you can zip to the forum for the remainder I suppose. Anxious to try it out.
chris5000 please enter your server specs in your user profile!

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