dragonfly theme doesn't fit Arabic language.

Anything related to how this particular website is set up
25 Apr '07 Wed Apr 25, 2007 18:37    
Translator  Translator

Posten dragonfly theme doesn't fit Arabic language.

hi , I've noticed that Arabic language had been added to this site, and I'd like to say that Arabic language fits only with the default df design not this one we are seeing at this site now,,, even if I don't know why to use Arabic here while all topics are in english ,
by the way what do u think about what I made :
best regards...


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

hadi00 please enter your server specs in your user profile! Crying or Very sad  
25 Apr '07 Wed Apr 25, 2007 23:38    
Site Admin  

Posten Re: dragonfly theme doesn't fit Arabic language.

The only reason to add the languages here - and I tried to add a short message to indicate that - is so that a Norwegian, German or Arab thinking about adopting Pro_News could take a look at the translation done without having to take the long road - download, install, set up Sections, Categories, and Articles, and review.

It is also a quick way to review what languages are available, I thought.

Sorry if I offend you, or anyone else, but I was just trying to make things easier.

layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)

2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4

26 Apr '07 Thu Apr 26, 2007 01:10    
Translator  Translator

Posten Re: dragonfly theme doesn't fit Arabic language.

No bother man,it's ok .


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

hadi00 please enter your server specs in your user profile! Crying or Very sad  
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