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I did not set out to develop this version of Pro_News. I latched on to Kuragari's Pro_News Beta as a suitable Article- (versus News Story- ) based module. I managed to get that early Beta version running under Dragonfly (not realising at the time that it was developed under 9.1.x!), and implemented it in a couple of Production websites. Then discovered that Kuragari's priorities had shifted, and Pro_News release version wasn't likely to appear in the near term...

Reluctantly, I rummaged through long, long unused parts of my brain to when I'd programmed before, and set about learning PHP. At least I understood RDBMS's as I developed an early one, but as that was only the second ever SQL database, I was more than a little out of date! I certainly could not have produced this version of Pro_News or anything like it, without the solid underpinnings of a working module already in place - for which I thank Kuragari publicly. And good quality code at that.

So I'm done at least for now with developing. I'll see this through to to a release version, and then I want to hang up my coding, and get back to the project management and test side of things.

If anyone wants to help continue the development of Pro_News I am more than open to it, and will be happy to assist in coordinating any joint collaboration between as many participants who are interested. Just let me, and any fellow potential collaborators, know by posting here, and we can make this happen.

(All development will be under GNU GPL version 2 or later, for as long as I am involved with it. If you want to enhance it for your own personal commercial use that is fine, but any distribution of that derivative work, for sale or otherwise, must be under GNU GPL version 2 or later.)




All 3 Comments

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Re: Join In the Development   -   See entire comment A couple of really useful upgrades would be:

- table-less XHTML compliance by someone who knows; and
- review of the current SQL calls by ditto.  more
Re: Join In the Development   -   See entire comment I would really like if it had postdating like the normal News. (Select later date/time for the article to go live at)

Maybe I'll work on it after ...  more
Re: Join In the Development   -   See entire comment Yeah, I'd planned to put it in, but then was not so sure about the additional db accesses. But perhaps the way to go is to include it, but provide a ...  more