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layingback Store Opening


Yes, you read that correctly, I'm opening a small template store here at

The Template Exchange concept never really worked out, so I'm closing that forum. [ At least I don't have to archive the 0 themes which have accumulated there! Smile ]

I'm a long time supporter of RMS (Stallman) and his GNU GPL2 and later, so rest assured that Pro_News is and will remain F/OSS: Free Libre Open Source Software. And staying with GPL2 until or unless DragonflyCMS goes GPL3. But in the meantime I need some coin to rub together, so I have come up with additional themes myself.

There will be 3 - 4 really - initially:
  • A 3rd version of the FCS gallery display
  • FCS for the Article Home page, and
  • A Blog template
The FCS Gallery Display replaces the initially FCS from the previous release which will no longer be supported, as it has too many limitations. This gem is as fully featured as I can make it, so should met all your needs. Includes titles, and now comes in 2 sizes: 400x300px and 800x600px. Both versions are included in the 1 package. No tricky set up, if your article displays 2 or more photos via the Pro_News Photo Album feature, then it will display FCS with this new template.

The FCS for Home Page takes 2 or more (up to about 10) articles from your Home or Headlines display, and presents them as 1 single rotating article display. Again no major set up, just switch to the new template for that Section. But if you only want some of your articles to be part of this FCS you will need to split them off into their own Section using this new template.

And finally - for now - a true Blog template. I've taken elements of the classic blog page and condensed them into this new template. 2-column display, author's image (optional), headings and dynamic links to other Blogs in the same Section. Just create a new Section/Category, assign the Blog template to it, and create an article like usual. I have included options to handle a single Blog, or many Blogs, each in its own Catgeory with the Blog Section.

More templates as and when, currently I'm thinking of an upgrade to index2alb and gly to bring them more into line with the new Blog template in the way in which they handle Social Network links, etc.

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