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Pro News Administration

Pro_News Basics

Pro News Administration

Administration Submit Article Screen

Blank Submit Screen
The Administration Submit Article screen should be familiar to anyone who has posted to News, or to the Forums.

The image field at the foot of the screen behaves similar to Coppermine upload. The thumbnail and the link to the original are active and can be checked in the Preview, as can any embedded links. Once visible as an image following a Preview, a Delete Image? checkbox appears to allow for removal and/or replacement of the image. GIF, jpeg and PNG are supported formats.

Preview Article and Submit Article buttons are available at all times on the Administration version of Submit Article.   more ...

Pro News Administration

Administration of Articles

Admin Articles Step 1
The first step is to select the Section/Category that you wish to work on. The pull-down menu displays Categories within Sections (Section names are displayed in italics). Select 1 and click Go.

If there are articles awaiting approval in any Section/Category you will see an * after the Category name in the pull-down, following by a number (in [ ]) denoting the number of pending Articles in that Category.

Pro News Administration

Administration of Articles - Part 2

For each article:

Click on box to left to select article for Delete, Copy or Move - see below.

Click on Article name link to display the article.

Click on Approved to approve/unapprove the article: Articles created by Administrators, or members of the approved Group (see Admin > Config) will have Approved flag set automatically. For articles entered by any other user, you will need to come here and Approve it, either directly through the Pro_News Admin screens, or by clicking on the Can Admin [Edit] in the normal article display under Home or Pro_News.

Click on Active to deactivate the Article, and thus stop it from being displayed to users. Click again to re-approve it.

Click on Edit to edit the Article, with full Preview capability.   more ...

Pro News Administration

Administration of Pending Articles

Selecting Category to Approve Pending Articles
If the Adminsitration Waiting Content block indicates that there are Pending Pro_news Articles waiting for approval, go to Administration > Pro_News > Articles.

When asked to select a Catgeory, open the pull-down, and select a Category. If there are articles awaiting approval in any Section/Category you will see an * after the Category name in the pull-down, following by a number (in [ ]) denoting the number of pending Articles in that Category.

For each Article needing approval, you can view the Article by clicking on its name link, or edit it via the Edit link, before clicking on the Approve box to approve it.   more ...

Pro News Administration

Administration of Sections

Administration Sections
The upper panel is used to create, ie. add, a new Section. The lower panel is used to edit, Delete and re-order existing Sections.   more ...

Pro News Administration

Overview of Article Template Structure

There nothing technically different between Pro_News Article Templates - the ones used to display the articles - and any other Dragonfly templates. But they are employed a little differently, so the description here will hopefully save template or theme designers a little experimentation time.

Pro_News article templates are stored in a separate dedicated directory within the theme, this is primarily to allow new templates to be added and selected easily in Admin > Pro_News > Config without worry of selecting a non-Article template.   more ...

Pro News Administration

Administration Config

Adminstration Config screen with default values
The Config screen allows for a number of site-wide selections to be made. Most are fairly common, but all are explained briefly below to be safe.   more ...