Administration Config
- layingback
- Site Admin
Administration Config
The Config screen allows for a number of site-wide selections to be made. Most are fairly common, but all are explained briefly below to be safe.
Articles per Page - Maximum number of articles to display on any Pro News page before a page break.
List Articles by - Articles are listed in reverse order of creation, regardless of Category or Section (Articles setting), or by date order descending within Section, without regard for Categories, with a title break at each change of Section (Articles by Section setting), or in date order descending by Category with Section, with a title break at each change of Section and/or Category(Articles by Category by Section). This setting affects both the display of articles in Home and in the normal Pro News page selected from the Main Menu.
Default Template - The template used for all Article display. Additional templates can be created and stored in the themes/{YourTheme}/template/article/ directory and they will be added to this list of available template choices.
Show Category Icons - Turns On/Off display of icons in Articles.
Show Posted By - Disables display of the Poseted By element of an Article without changing template design.
Show Discuss Links - Disables display of Discuss links on Articles, effectively shutting off comments. Effect is global, but Discuss can also be enabled/disabled per Article at its creation or subsequent edit.
Allow Image Uploads - Disables upload of images by both Admins and members.
Max Thubnail Width & Height - The autogenerated thumbnail is sized to these dimensions - whichever is the largets. The thumbnail is created as part of teh upoload. If these values are changed after 1 or more articles with images have been submitted, then the original thumbnails will not be resized. This can cause a thumbnail missing display error if the original image was originally small enough not to need a thumbnail produced, but now needs one.
Import old news articles - Use with caution!. Duplicates all prior News articles from News into Pro_News. Artciles are stored in Default Section/Category, and then must be reassigned to appropraite Sections and Categories manually!
layingback's server specs (Server OS / Apache / MySQL / PHP / DragonflyCMS)
2.6.32 / 1.3 - 2.4 / 5.5 - 5.6 / 5.4 - 5.5 / 9.4
- greenday2k
- Sponsor
Re: Administration Config
Bump, this deserves an update.
greenday2k please enter your server specs in your user profile!
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